This is something of a deviation from the main focus of this blog, which is documenting my ongoing and somewhat sprawling research project on Common Currency claims in the cognitive and behavioural sciences. As a professional academic, though, one of the things that I both do and depend on is peer-review. Until now that work has mostly been based on individual relationships between journals and reviewers, and lacking a general system for tracking and verifying instances of peer-review. The recent launch of Publons seeks to change that by logging, verifying and consolidating information about instances of peer-review (including, by the way, post-publication review).
I've signed up. You can see my reviewer page here. (This includes those of my previous peer-reviews which have been verified. The ones from the paper-based days or yore may not make it there.) And there's an embedded widget below, which I'll also add to the sidebar of the blog when I remember how.
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